
Married at First Sight: ‘Douche’ Dave blames Jess for split

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Married at First Sight couple Dave and Jess’ honeymoon ended on Tuesday night, along with their relationship. 


A less then impressed Jess told Dave on Tuesday night she’s hurt by the way he’s been treating her. Blaming Jess’ ‘insecurities’, Dave said he didn’t see the relationship going anywhere.

‘I suppose to explain the way that I was on the wedding day … You owned the wedding day, you were confident and ever since coming to the honeymoon I feel like you haven’t been like that,’ Dave said, referring to Jess feeling self conscious in her bikini.

‘And I suppose [your] insecurities have come out. I didn’t mean to hurt you, but I just don’t see it going anywhere to be honest. And I think it’s better to tell you now than in a few weeks time.’

Speaking to the camera, Jess labels Dave’s reason as ‘absolute bullsh*t.’


Jess then gives Dave a piece of her mind. ‘You should probably have actually told me that a lot sooner,’ she said. ‘And the fact is I disclosed something that’s very personal to me — and I’m a confident person regardless of what you think because you don’t actually know me.

‘So, for me to be letting you know that I’m vulnerable in swimwear and then for you to interpret that as I’m not a confident person — that’s on you, that’s not on me. And it should have actually happened a lot earlier.’

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