Beloved Nine Network show Travel Guides follows ordinary Australians on their globe-trotting ventures, where the participants take on the roles of travel critics.
With six seasons under their belts, ‘snob’ couple Kevin and Janetta have a taste for the finer things in life. As a result, the pair, who holiday religiously, are experts in the field of fancy.
WATCH: Kevin and Janetta’s budget tips for luxury travel. Article continues after video.
In an interview with 9Entertainment, the couple shares some of their elusive tips for those looking for the luxury experience on a budget.
Here, we summarise their best points of advice.
WATCH: Kevin and Janetta visit a gift shop. Article continues after video.
Invest in a better suitcase
To save room space, Kevin and Janetta recommend ditching the ‘clamshell’ suitcases and opting for one that opens from the top.
Explaining that it creates more space on luggage racks, they specifically recommend “soft-sided ones that open from the top”.
Always buy duty-free
Alcohol, that is.
“We love getting-ready drinks,” Kevin explained.
To save money on expensive cocktails, the couple shared that they purchase gin and whisky from duty-free beforehand.
Combined with tonic or soda water that they buy from their destination, they like to enjoy their beverages while getting ready.
“We always spend a few more bucks on the room to enjoy that experience,” Janetta added.
Don’t skrimp on accommodation
If Kevin and Janetta could advocate for anything, it’s to invest your dollars into accommodation.
If you’ve watched them on Travel Guides, you would know how passionately they feel about this.
“Spend the money on accommodation, not the class of flight,” Kevin said.
“If you’ve got to have nice accommodation or economy, go economy travel and have gorgeous accommodation at the end,” Janetta added.
For those with ‘economy doubts’ Janetta shared this pearl of wisdom: “Like a hard childbirth, once an economy flight is over you’ve already forgotten about it.”

Dress to impress
Janetta explained that you should dress as if you’re going to be upgraded.
“You’ll be accepted better,” Kevin said.
It’s common knowledge that tourists have a way of standing out, whether that’s to your liking or not, Janetta advised: “Don’t try and stand out as a tourist, try to blend in!”
Who knows, maybe your style of dress will be of benefit?