Farmer Wants A Wife 2023 is now well underway! But all five Farmers are still looking for love, despite eliminating quite a few contestants.
And speaking of contestants, we can’t wait for the intruders to shake things up on Farmer Wants A Wife this Sunday, April 23! We bet you can’t either…
WATCH: Farmer Wants A Wife cast 2023 answer fun facts
And so, to help you countdown the hours until the next FWAW episode drops, we chatted with Farmer Matt so we – and you, our lovely readers – could get to know him better.
Read on for New Idea’s full interview with Farmer Matt.
New Idea: Why did you decide to join Farmer Wants A Wife?
Matt: I guess the real big reason behind taking this big old leap of faith and chasing after love in a different fashion was really that I wasn’t finding it. Yeah, I guess I got to the point where I was like, ‘What’s the next step?’
How did your friends and family react to telling them you would join the show?
Actually pretty excited. And initially, they thought I was joking but I think by the time I’d been doing [FWAW] applications in bits and pieces, I think they started taking it more seriously. And yeah, no, it just, everything just kept on coming through and I kept on getting through so I think I became more and more serious myself as well.
What qualities were you looking for in a partner before you went on Farmer Wants A Wife? And do you think those qualities have changed now that you’re on the other side of the show?
I don’t think the qualities that I was looking for when I started and what I ended up with really changed too much…

When you first met your ladies, who initially stood out the most to you?
I think each of the ladies when I first met them [stood out]… That’s why I chose those five to come back to the farm. The first time, there was something about each of them that I could see myself; I could [see myself] in a relationship [with each of them].
Obviously without giving anything away, what’s your favourite memory from filming Farmer Wants A Wife?
I think some of my favourite memories of filming Farmer Wants A Wife were some of the dates I got to go on. I think that was really exciting [and] really funny just seeing their expressions as they got taken on different dates; that’s just something that always warms your heart, I guess.
Are you friends with the other Farmers?
Yeah, [I’m] pretty good mates with the other Farmers. We still keep in touch and check in on each other. Make sure we’re all doing okay with everything [that’s] going on.
WATCH: Farmer Wants a Wife 2023 trailer
How did you get into sheep and cattle farming?
Yes, so it’s a family business. So, my old man was a farmer before me and his dad was a farmer before him in a different area. So it’s, it’s just always been a part of my life and always will be.
It says in your Farmer Wants A Wife profile that you love to cook; what’s your favourite dish to cook?
I think my favourite one, off the top of my head, is your classic butter chicken. Especially with naan. I think that’s actually the first thing I cooked for the girls when they got back to the farm, butter chicken; don’t know if anyone picked up on that one. But, yeah, I just love cooking and I think I was really lucky that [my] mum’s a really handy chef around the kitchen and I picked up a fair few skills from her. I’ve been well trained.
What’s something that fans would be surprised to learn about you?
Maybe that I barrack for the Brumbies in ACT. So, I follow rugby and AFL, that’s my sport. I play a bit of AFL at the moment but my team of choice that I’ll always barrack for is the ACT Brumbies.