Scrolling through TikTok recently I came across a video that blew my mind.
In EIGHT seconds TikToker Aubrey Wagner revealed to me something I feel I should have known years ago – how to reuse old candle jars.
WATCH BELOW: The Candle that becomes a herb garden
Whenever I’ve had a pretty candle jar I’m particularly attached to I will spend ages scraping out the wax but it turns out there is a much easier way.
Pop them in the freezer. That’s it.
The cold will cause the wax to contract away from the sides of the jar allowing you to scrape it away with a blunt knife.

Once you’ve done that, you’ve got a lovely little jar you can use to put things in like keys or spare change.
A cursory google search suggests that the freezer can also help your candles last longer.
It’s simple really, frozen wax takes longer to burn.
According to the Taste of Home website how long candles need in the freezer depends on their size. Smaller taper candles may only need an hour while larger candles could require longer, even up to six to eight hours.
This is super useful if you’re planning a romantic dinner or need some long lasting candles for an event, such as a wedding.

Other ways to make your candles last longer.
Cosmopolitan suggests trimming the wicks of your candles so that they create a smaller flame. Smaller flame, less heat, less burning, you feel me?
They also suggest “committing to the burn” particularly for candles in a pot or jar. This means letting the candle burn long enough so the entire top layer of wax is melted. This will stop a little crater forming in the middle of your candle.
If you have let a hole form in the middle of your candle (stop looking at me) then there’s a way to fix that. Take a large piece of foil and fold it over several times to create a sturdy rectangular shape.
Wrap that around the outside of the jar and leave it there while the candle burns. It will help heat build up along the sides, melting it back into an even surface. Ta da!
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some candle jars to rescue.
WATCH BELOW: Justin Theroux prepares another candle-lit dinner for his dog