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Five ways to instantly make your home feel cleaner

Got unexpected guests? These tips will help make your home look neater in no time

Get strategic


Concentrate your cleaning on areas you know people will see when they visit and make sure those areas look good before moving on to areas that probably won’t be visited. A fragrance from a diffuser at the entrance to your home (and in the bathroom) always helps and any clutter in the way can be moved to another room and hidden behind a closed door.

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Give things a place

Loose items like keys, wallets, pens, unopened mail, phone chargers can make a huge amount clutter on a counter top or coffee table. A simple and stylish tray can be a great way to give things a place so they’re not scattered around the kitchen or loungeroom.

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Bedroom routines

Make a simple routine of making your bed every morning and clear up that “floordrobe” by putting clothes, clean or otherwise, in the proper places. Just a few minutes every morning will make a huge difference at the end of the day when it’s time to get in to bed.

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Dust daily

Keep on top of dusting around the home especially in areas where guests might sit such as a loungeroom. Just a few minutes a day in a few strategic locations will make your rooms look cleaner, concentrate on feature objects and surface tops.

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Bathroom essentials


Keeping on top of the surfaces in your bathroom by having a quick scrub whenever you have a shower is a great way to keep on top of your bathroom’s cleanliness. The deeper surfaces can wait but toilets, basins and baths will benefit from a daily scrub. Change out your bath mat often as well.

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