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Five unexpected uses for beer around the home

Don’t throw away that flat beer, put it to work around the house

Wood polish


Pour some beer onto a microfibre cloth and rub into a wooden furniture piece to get a remarkable shine to the surface. Dark beers like stout can be used to stain and age wood furniture too.

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Carpet cleaner

Do you have an unsightly coffee or red wine stain your carpet? Pour a little beer onto the stain and rub with a damp cloth, repeat a couple of times and the stain should disappear.

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Kill slugs and snails

If slugs or snails are causing havoc in your garden, bury a shallow, wide mouthed container to create a reservoir and then half fill with beer. The slimy culprits will be drawn to the frosty brew.

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Polish copper pans

In breweries, the left-over beer in barrels was long used to clean the copper pots and you can do the same by dousing your copper in a cheap can of brew. Leave for five to ten minutes before wiping down. The acids in the beer will help remove stains and bring your pots and pans back to life.

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Clean your jewellery


Is your gold jewellery looking a bit dull? Place the items in a shallow pan and pour in some beer and let soak for a while. Once you wipe them clean they’ll look dazzling and as good as new.

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