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Woman’s shocking endometriosis photos go viral

The condition affects 1 in 10 women.
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A young woman has spoken out against the horrible effects of endometriosis.

Thessy Kouzoukas shared an eye opening nude selfie to Instagram detailing her suffering in hopes of inspiring women who are going through the same ordeal.

The fashion designer captioned the photo: ‘This is quite shocking to people. This is me. This is endometriosis. I never intended to share these photos hence why I’m naked, but my god I can’t believe the amount of DM’s I’ve received from girls who have endo too and feel alone. The left is my stomach three weeks after a ruptured cyst (five weeks ago). The right is me now, on a drug called “synarel” that has stopped all my hormones and sent me into menopause at the age of 27.”

Endometriosis is a condition in which the tissue that normally lines the uterus grows externally, causing severe pain and infertility. 

It affects 1 in 10 women and often goes untreated as it can often be brushed off as just painful periods.

Getting diagnosed is crucial in stopping Endometriosis from wreaking havoc and stopit from having any long-term effects.

Thessy told The Huffington Post: ‘Why didn’t they tell us that debilitating pain isn’t normal? If I had known this 14 years ago when I started to get my period, I could be in a much better position in terms of controlling the disease, and its effects on my fertility.’

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