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How to be a morning person (when you’re not a morning person)

Get ready to rise and shine.

Ever wished you were the type to spring out of bed with the birds? It doesn’t come naturally to everyone, but it is possible to change your habits, so you become someone who feels alert and ready to go first thing, without pressing snooze and running late. Here’s how to wake up with more energy.


1. Get enough sleep
It sounds like a no brainer, but almost 40 per cent of us do not get adequate sleep, according to a report by the Sleep Health Foundation. Aim for eight hours a night, and also for getting better quality sleep. Switch off your electronic devices an hour before you go to bed and create a wind-down ritual in that time, such as reading a (paper) book or drinking a cup of chamomile tea, to signal to your body that it’s time for sleep. Going to bed earlier means you’ll feel ready to wake up when your alarm goes off, and feel more motivated and productive throughout your day.

2. Prep the night before
A little organisation in the evenings will help your mornings run more smoothly. Lay your gym and work outfits out ready so you don’t have to scramble around for clean clothes when you’re half sleep. Prep your breakfast and pack your lunch and put your keys and purse in one place to save you time searching for them. If you do find you’re running late, grab an UP&GO blends to take with you for an on-the-go Low GI energy* option.

3. Squeeze in a workout
It doesn’t have to be an hour at the gym if you don’t have time, a 20-minute brisk walk or workout at home will get your endorphins pumping and increase your energy and boost your mood. Exercise also improves the quality of your sleep, helping you to fall asleep and stay asleep more easily, according to research.

4. Create a routine
Keeping up new healthy habits takes time, and establishing a schedule can help your body adjust to what’s to come. Keeping a regular evening routine (e.g. bath, reading, bed) will help you relax and fall asleep more easily. Being consistent with the time your alarm goes off can also make it easier to get out of bed in the mornings.

*Glycaemic Index (GI) value = 33 

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