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The return of the double date on The Bachelorette!

Bill and Ivan battle it out!

On episode five of the Bachelorette, we see the return of The Double Date with Bill and Ivan battling it out.

On episode four of The Bachelorette, it came to light that Ali Oejten was not sure of Bill’s real intentions.

‘Stage-five clinger’ Charlie took her aside and hinted that he wasn’t there for the right reasons.

And a trailer for episode five shows Ali invite Bill and Ivan for the double date, where afterwards she has to decide which boy to send home.

It would appear that dancer Ivan is the most likely to be sent home after revealing to Ali he wanted five kids in five years and to also advance his dancing career.

In episode three viewers were almost certain he would be sent home, yet a little dance routine choreographed especially for Ali, appeared to soften her heart.

Bill, on the other hand was deemed a frontrunner from the start after he wowed Ali at the first cocktail party and scored the wild rose, which allowed him to steal a coveted single date from Taite.

Things appeared to go swimmingly until Charlie’s actions left poor Ali wondering if Bill was in it for all the right reasons.

The clip from the double date shows her in a massive quandary.

“I going to go with my gut on this one,” she sighs.

Who will it be? Toe-tapping Ivan or the squeaky clean Bill who Charlie deems a ‘snake’?

Our bets are on Ivan but who knows what Ali will decide?!

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