It felt like a solid amount of this year’s The Bachelors was devoted to the Felix, Jess and Damien love triangle.
In case you somehow missed all the drama, Jess, one of the contestants vying for Bachelor Felix Von Hofe’s love, came on the show despite being in an open relationship and having a boyfriend, Damien, on the “outside”.
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Felix struggled with Jess’ views on polyamory for most of the season; especially when Damien came along to a group date and when he came along with Jess to meet Felix’s parents.
Eventually, Felix gave Jess an ultimatum: she had to let Damien go or he wouldn’t be able to be with her.
Ultimately, Jess broke up with Damien and then, Felix chose Jess in The Bachelors finale, which aired last night.
However, that episode was filmed six months ago and Felix and Jess have swiftly announced that they’re no longer together.

Both blamed long-distance and a lack of communication for the split.
“It was tough. I’ve been in a long-distance relationship in the past and it’s incredibly strenuous because if you feel strongly about someone, you want them to always be around you. With us, we didn’t know when the show was going to air or what was going to happen,” Felix told 10Play.
“As someone who really values communication and who loves a good D&M [deep and meaningful], I felt like Felix and I had very different perspectives on what that would look like, and we just kind of lacked that communication,” Jess said before adding:
“We were on different levels in that sense and it inevitably did naturally fizzle out. I still have care for him and I truly want the best for him and I will always want to be there for him as a friend.”
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Felix echoed Jess’ sentiments and said, “We’re still on great terms, we’re still incredibly close and we’ve chatted throughout the process… we’re on great terms.”
Of course, now that Jess is no longer with Felix, it begs the question of whether she went running back to Damien. But Jess is adamant that she has “no romantic feelings whatsoever towards Damien” and she has no plans to get back together with him.
“I still care for him as a person and I think he was a massive part of my life, I would never want to discredit that, but from the get-go, I knew he wasn’t going to be my life partner and he deserves someone who is completely all the way in and not half in,” Jess said.