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The Bachelor 2018: Episode 10’s bad driving, ninja warriors and an emotional cocktail party

With only a little longer to go, the series heats up.

There’s nine girls left in The Bachelor mansion and in episode 10, Nick decides to put the four of girls on a race track in continuing in his quest to find love.


Dasha, Sophie Britt and Brooke are the lucky ones chosen and Osher drops a few clichés. 

‘We’re hoping that you can steer your way to love…’ he tells the ladies. 

The girls are excited, but Sophie admits to the cameras she hates driving. Weirdly enough the prize is a box of avocados. Sophie licks her lips and decides to take the challenge head on.

She does pretty badly but Nick is impressed with her facing her fears and somehow, she wins the challenge.


They have a keg of beer and Nick brandishes a box of avocados. Sophie is drooling and somehow the box of fruit on her lap leads her to opening up about her feelings.

‘We had an awesome first date…and now we’re towards the end and I’m scared as feelings are involved.’

Nick gets all guru on her.

(Credit: Ten)

‘What you feel when you feel it… that’s all we need to know.’

Sophie gets very descriptive. ‘I get very excited.’

We have no idea if she’s talking about Nick or her box of avocados.

Soph-a-loaf now becomes Sophinator and Nick tells her to fondle the avocados where, at the bottom of the box she finds a rose.


They pash. Nick does his weird tongue flick thing again. Sophie clutches onto her avos.

(Credit: Ten)

Then back at the mansion the single date is due to be announced. Cass is of course foaming at the mouth to be chosen.

‘This could be meeee, ‘ Cass squeals before realising that intruder Jamie Lee has been chosen.


‘When am I going to get a single date?’ Cass sighs.

Jamie’s excited and nervous. But she’s under pressure to catch up with the other girls.

Nick is impressed with her mysteriousness and he’s hoping that after the initial attraction there’s room to grow.

He decides to take her on a very romantic date… Samurai sword fighting.

(Credit: Ten)

Nick is hoping she’ll love it. Jamie Lee isn’t too happy.

‘Who wouldn’t want to dress up and bounce around the yard like a Ninja,’ questions Nick.

‘I am pumped to get me hands on me weapon and wield it around,’ he adds.


Jamie feels ‘like a dick’ in her outfit and is struggling to get her sword out of the holder.

(Credit: Ten)

Nick doesn’t seem to care. He’s more excited he gets to play Ninja for the day. Jamie just wants the day to end so she can get up close and personal to Nick

Unfortunately, the romantic picnic turns a bit uncomfortable.


Nick can’t stop talking about how great the day has been. Jamie struggles to speak.

‘I know there are layers to you,’ says Nick attempting to establish a connection.

‘Ummmm…’ Jamie’s nerves get the best of her. ‘I struggle with opening up,’ she adds.

Nick looks unimpressed. ‘There’s so little time to get to know each other,’ Nick says chomping into some crisps.


They stare into the forest and Jamie doesn’t score a rose. Cass is delighted once she finds out. Jamie feels frustrated and senses she’ll be sent home.

Tenille meanwhile feels anxious after being grilled by the FBI detective the day before. ‘I have a bad feeling,’ she says.

Nick pulls her aside. They talk about the interrogation. ‘I’m doing me best, I’m scrambling,’ admits Nick trying to get more information about her feelings.

(Credit: Ten)

‘If you really want to be with me, then you need to make an effort,’ says Tenille. ‘I feel like I have an expiry date.’

Tenille and Nick finish their chat and then the flight attendant heads off to a lone gazebo to cry to herself. Nick stalks her.

‘I could hear some tears are you OK?’ Nick presses.

‘I need to keep my dignity and I feel I just need to get in the car and go…’


‘Yeah…um can I walk you to the car if you like,’ Nick replies, again saying just the right thing and the right time.

Back at the cocktail party, the girls are all rubber necking and wondering what the hell’s going on.

Osher swiftly appears and announces Tenille has left and reveals that Nick has gone home for the night and there’s no rose ceremony.

Jamie Lee is saved for another day. So long Tenille…

(Credit: Ten)

Related: Who wins ‘The Bachelor’ 2018?

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