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PROOF MAFS’ Bec & Jake have already split?

We can't say we're surprised.
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Last night saw the first episode of the all new season of Married At First Sight and it looks like we’re already in for a wild season. While sparks flew between one couple, the other ceremony was filled with awkward silences and plenty of tension… and not the good kind. 


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WATCH: MAFS’ Jake and Beck’s awkward wedding

On MAFS’ premiere episode, 27-year-old business manager Rebecca Zemek was paired with 32-year-old charity CEO Jake Edwards. And while one party was happy with the match, the other wasn’t so pleased with the experts’ handiwork. 

As she head down the aisle, Bec was less than impressed with her groom Jake, claiming he was looking at her like she was a “piece of meat.” 


And if you thought there was any hope of the couple finding some hidden chemistry, we regret to inform you that it seems like there was more love lost than gained between the match. 

Jake Bec MAFS
Sparks certainly did not fly between Jake and Bec on last night’s episode of MAFS. (Credit: Channel Nine)

Apppearing on Nova 96.9’s Fitzy & Wippa this morning, Bec opened up about her relationship with Jake – all but revealing the couple have parted ways since the show ended.

When discussing her initial impression of Jake, Bec said the vibe “wasn’t warm.” 


“It felt like a business meeting. It was very structured and awkward. Even when he turned around, awkward.”

When the hosts went on to ask the business manager how she felt abut potentially being cast as “the villain”, Bec didn’t seem to worried, claiming she prided herself on her “honesty.” 

MAFS Jake Bec
Bec has revealed that the ceremony “felt like a business meeting”. (Credit: Channel Nine)

The 27-year-old then dove deeper into her relationship with Jake, explaining that they didn’t “choose each other.” 


“I don’t choose Jake. Jake doesn’t choose me.”

Yikes, we definitely cannot hear any more wedding bells in their future. 

Wippa went on to predict a partner swap between Jake and Bec, a claim at which the 27-year-old stayed tellingly silent. 

MAFS Jake Bec
Somehow we don’t think Jake and Bec will go the distance. (Credit: Channel Nine)

Jake and Bec got hitched in NSW’s gorgeous Hunter Valley region. They were the second MAFS marriage of the season, following much more compatible Bryce and Melissa. 

Let’s hope the rest of the couples have more chemistry than Jake and Bec. 

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