Married at First Sight couple Hayley Vernon and David Cannon looked like they had staying power on their wedding day.
But fast-forward to their Singapore honeymoon and their relationship quickly turned sour.
WATCH EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Jessika Power reacts to Hayley and David’s relationship
While viewers watched with baited-breath as Hayley revealed her secret drug-addicted past, David took it well and said he “didn’t judge” her for her past mistakes.
“I’m not dating someone from five years ago,” he said.
“I’m glad she told me. I don’t want secrets with my wife. It doesn’t faze me. Her past doesn’t affect her future.”
“If I think back to myself five years ago, I’m nowhere near the same person. So I don’t judge Hayley on her drug use.”
However, things kicked off after Hayley apparently told David that he didn’t earn enough for her liking.
“Your $25 an hour wage is not going to cut it for me,” she told him off camera.

Which, for obvious reasons, the truck driver found hurtful.
“It’s the lowest I’ve ever earned but I’m by far the happiest,” he told her, feeling the need to justify his vocation.
“It’s not that earning $25 an hour is a worry for me or a concern for me,” Hayley shot back.
“I just never want to have to live paycheque to paycheque, because I’ve been in a situation where I haven’t had money. I’ve been in a situation where I’ve had to go foodless, so I never want to be in that situation again.”
Then the finance broker walked away, admitting she was annoyed that he’d even mentioned it.

Fans were left fuming at Hayley’s diva-like behaviour, and took to Twitter to vent their anger.
“Hayley crossed the line. Never have a dig at the earnings of a man. Already monopolising his money. Nope not cool, that’s a kick to the guts for David,” one fan raged.
“Should never put down anyone for working their guts out and earning an honest living,” a second chimed in.
A third blazed: “Hayley: “Don’t judge my past it doesn’t define me”. Also Hayley: *is judgemental about David’s earnings*.”
Though she did have a couple of fans on her side.
One fan wrote: “I don’t think people realise that Hayley relies on stability to help stay sober.
“Her point was she never wants to be in a situation where she could lose that stability in her life. She could have approached it differently yes but her point is still valid.”
Another added: “A bit blunt, but Hayley has a point. Money is important. Discussing finances is important. You want to be on the same page about money like you do about kids. Save yourselves from resentment down the road.”

After some time apart, the pair tried to enjoy a romantic dinner – but the mounting tension was hard to miss.
And when they were presented with the Honeymoon Box – a collection of questions to ask each other to “slow things down”, said the experts – that resentment came to the fore.
“What’s something you’ve never been told before?” Hayley asked.
After making a joke about his height, Hayley asked him to look a little deeper.
“Well… you asked for it…” he said tentatively.
“I’ve never had anybody before comment on my hourly wage.”

“This is obviously a really sore point for me,” explained David, who was clearly upset that Hayley had shut down their chat earlier without acknowledging his feelings.
But before the whole thing could spiral any further, Hayley insisted she hadn’t actually said what he remembered, that she didn’t care what he earned, and shut it down again, saying:
“Anyway next question, I don’t want to discuss it anymore.”
The night ended after Hayley stormed off following questions from David about her smoking habits.
The groom then told producers he wanted his own room, and confessed if they gave him a plane ticket he’d “run to the airport” as fast as he could to get away from his mess of a marriage.
Talk about crash and burn.