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Asthma is listed as the main reason children are rushed to the emergency room

And it's not what you'd think!

A parents worse nightmare is rushing a child to the emergency room. Surprisingly, the most common reason children are admitted to the emergency room doesn’t involve an accident or sudden illness. 


51% of emergency room cases are the result of asthma. 

Asthma affects one in nine Australians and still kills more than 400 people a year.

According to Asthma Australia, the medical condition is the top reason kids are rushed to hospital, with 51% of asthma cases involving kids under the age of 14.


If your child starts to suffer from an asthma attack, there are a few key steps you can take on the way to the emergency room. 

  1. Sit child upright comfortably and loosen tight clothing.
  2. Ask child to take long, relaxed breaths. 

Or call 1800 ASTHMA Helpline. 

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