Elsa Pataky loves this Aussie beauty product

And it costs less than $30!

Actress Elsa Pataky is naturally beautiful but the Spanish native does like to wear a hint of makeup from time to time.

The wife of Chris Hemsworth and mother of three, loves a bold red lipstick to brighten up her look and, she’s also mad for one very special budget buy – and it is an Aussie one at that.

Yes – Elsa has taken to Instagram and shared her love for the Australian beauty brand Luma, in particular the line’s On The Go Highlighter, which retails for just $29.95.

This particular highlighter comes in five shades (Blushed Nomad, Wander Musk, Take Me Topaz, Cashmere Casbah and Bronze Voyage) and Elsa is a fan of each and every one, but it turns out that there’s one she loves that little bit more than all of the rest.

Elsa Pataky and Chris Hemsworth
Elsa P and her Aussie husband Chris Hemsworth … he likes her highlighter. A LOT. (Image: Getty.)

It is (drum roll please) Bronze Voyage.

And you might be surprised to learn how Elsa and her favoured makeup artist Sarah Tammer like to use the product. Unlike us mere mortals, who apply our highlighter to the highest points of our face (say, our cheekbones, temples, the bridge of our nose), Elsa pops hers on those areas and then also …. her eyes!

Elsa Pataky
She looks good – and now we know her secret. Well, one of them … (Image: Instagram/@Elsapatakyconfidential)

That’s right. Sarah uses an eyeshadow brush to sweep highlighter onto Elsa’s heavenly blue eyes to make them really pop.

And pop they do! If you’d like to give this look a try, start by applying a light covering of highlighter only. It’s easier to build up than it is to remove! Trust us on that one.

Luma Highlighter
Elsa’s all-time favourite – LUMA On The Glow Highlighter, $29.95. (Image: Supplied.)

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