Home Health & Wellbeing

How to earn extra cash selling clutter from your home

Declutter your home and earn money at the same time

According to Gumtree’s 2018 Second Hand Economy Report, 89% of Aussies have unwanted items in their home that could earn them close to $4,200 per household! Canna Campbell from SugarMammaTV shows us how to earn big bucks selling old stuff from around the house.

Canna Campbell headshot
Canna Campbell from SugarMammaTV

Step 1 – Collect the clutter

Do a sweep of your home picking items you never use and can do without. Items that sell best are garden products and homewares, as well as jewellery, old sporting equipment, art, gadgets, and old electronics and tech such as laptops, cameras and mobile phones.

Step 2 – Create a posting

Use your smartphone to take lots of photos of the item in good light and from different angles. Be as descriptive as possible, explaining what it is, why you’re selling, when you bought it and where from. “I highly recommend downloading the app,” says Canna. “Most online selling platforms, such as Gumtree, have an app and it literally makes listing items only take a couple of minutes.”  If you have the box it originally came in or a warranty card, include it in the photos. “It makes your listing much more valuable and it gives you a competitor advantage,” explains Canna.

Canna campbell

Step 3 – Compare the product

“Have a look at what you’re selling compared to other listings and price reasonably because the whole point is to get some extra cash!” recommends Canna.

Step 4 – Be attentive and flexible

Try to respond to people’s questions as quickly as possible and be flexible with pick-up times. “For non-balky items, I’ll take them to work so people can collect from my office if they can’t come after hours,” says Canna.

Step 5 – Save your earnings

Deposit the cash or transfer the equivalent straight into a savings account and watch it accumulate. “If you have cash in your pocket, you’ll just spend it on something else,” advises Canna. Declutter regularly to make extra money. “I don’t have much clutter in my home, but I’m doing a selling haul at the moment and within a few days I have made $600 worth of cash!” says Canna. 

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