After a two-week break, Take Me Out hit our screens tonight and it was bigger and better than ever.
After weeks without finding her perfect match, one of our favourites, Lou P finally scored a date.
“It was really great,” she gushes to New Idea. “The guy is really cool and really interesting.”
And, she knew that he was the one for her as soon as he walked onto the stage.
“He first walked out and he was wearing cool quirky clothes which I love,” she reveals. “Then when his first video played I was like ‘oh my god, this is it!’”

The couple were swept away to the Gold Coast where they enjoyed a romantic date.
“We had a cheeky wine a lot of laughs and the dinner was good,” she says. “We definitely talked a lot.”
While it sounds like they hit it off, unfortunately we will have to wait for the next week’s episode to find out if Lou accepts a second date.
Meanwhile, Lou P, has just come out of a long-term relationship.
“My last relationship was a tough one because I was definitely very much still in love with the guy,” she reveals. “But it wasn’t right. It took a bit to let that one go, but I’m out the other side.”

But she admits that dating isn’t always easy.
“I hadn’t been single for a really long time and I had been on the dating scene for a little bit,” she says. “But, I hadn’t found anyone that was quite my person.”
Of course, that’s all about to change in tonight’s episode and we can’t wait to meet the lucky guy that gets a date with Lou P.