First it was Guy Sebastian causing chaos on The Voice thanks to his blatant disregard for the rules. And now rival coach Delta Goodrem, 35, is the latest person to start making things up as she goes along.
WATCH: Delta Goodrem walks off stage during “cheating” controversy
The Wings singer was embroiled in her own cheating scandal this week when she sidestepped having to choose one of her artists to go home.
Matt Evans, 23, and Janie Gordon, 21, faced off in the Battles on Sunday night, performing a spine-tingling version of Taylor Swift’s Lover.

The pair received unanimous praise from coaches Delta, Guy, Kelly Rowland and Boy George, with the latter even remarking: “Your two voices go together so good. I’ve never seen two people more suited to sing together than you two. You would be a great group.”
Delta struggled to pick between the two young artists, admitting, “It’s really tough because I don’t think I can kind of decipher between who should go through.”
Referencing his own controversial scandal earlier in the season when he turned around for singer Wolf Winters despite his team being full on, Guy was quick to point the finger at Delta, anticipating a sneaky move.
“You’re going to do a Wolf! You’re gonna try for an extra member!” he exclaimed.

But Delta insisted she wanted to play fair.
“No, I’m not breaking the rules here like you Guy!” she hit back, before turning back to address the artists. “Just give me… I’m just going to keep thinking on it for one second because I don’t feel ready to leave either of you, truthfully.”
Unable to choose, the former Neighbours actress walked off stage, leaving the artists, the other coaches and host Darren McMullen scratching their heads.
“Can I speak to someone? Can I just have a quick chat to a producer?” she demanded.

As Delta spoke backstage to The Voice’s executive producer, it became clear what she was planning to do.
Taking George’s earlier comments to heart – and after getting the tick of approval from producers – Delta returned to stage to throw a spanner in the works.
“I understand that you’re both individual artists and I know you have your own lanes, but at this point, what I would like to do is to bring you forward as a duet,” Delta told Matt and Janie, asking if they’d consider teaming up to move forward.

The pair then took a moment backstage to discuss their options – and to decide whether they’d join forces or roll the dice and hope that they’d be the one picked if Delta was forced to choose between them.
Despite reservations about their different music styles and the fact they live on different sides on the country, Matt and Janie ultimately decided to take Delta up on her controversial offer.
The sneaky move left the other coaches shocked at the turn of events.
“I thought you said you weren’t cheating though! Can I just clarify that?” Guy asked Delta.
Meanwhile, George laughed off the seemingly more and more relaxed structure of The Voice.
“Are there any rules on this show, ever?” he joked.