
Kate’s home birth shock!

No-one saw this coming

Prince William and Kate Middleton are expecting the arrival on their third child any day now.


But, the Duchess has reportedly been told to take it easy in the run-up to her due date or she could end up having a home birth.

Third time mothers are often more easy-going about their pregnancy and may not notice important changes in the baby’s movements.

‘Third-time mums are more relaxed. They’re busier than before, especially when they’re looking after toddlers,’ Clara Livingstone, policy advisor at the Royal College of Midwives told Express.

‘They’re probably more tired so it’s the importance of rest, nutrition, hydration, monitoring baby’s movements and reporting any noticeable difference with that.


‘When they’re preoccupied with a busy family… they may not be as aware as they have been with first pregnancies when you’re very watchful.’

Kate and will
Kate may not make it to the hospital in time to give birth. (Credit: Getty Images)

She advised that women expecting their third child should be aware as they may not notice the signs of labour early enough.

When Kate gave birth to her second child, Charlotte, she delivered the baby in just two hours and 34 minutes after being admitted to hospital. Her third will be expected to be as fast, if not faster.


Subsequent labours tend to be much quicker, and given this will be Kate’s third they may not have enough time to make the mile long dash to the hospital.

If this is the case, it’s reported that her medical team would decamp to Kensington Palace to assist with the birth.

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