It’s that time of the year again, when the dust from the most recent season of The Bachelor has settled, and we turn our attention to the next.
WATCH BELOW: The Bachelor Australia finale: Jimmy chooses Holly in the finale
With the 2022 season of the reality TV dating show on the horizon, you may be wondering, who exactly will be the next Bachelor?
Luckily for us, we have quite a few guesses as to who that may be, and maybe even sure bets, with several high-profile names in the mix.
Keep scrolling to see who’s in line to be the next Bachie star this year.

Tony Armstrong
Coming in as a popular choice amongst viewers is AFL star-turned-ABC sports presenter Tony Armstrong, with fans already calling for him to be cast in the show.
Not to mention, Tony also heads the market at $3.00 in terms of odds over on Sportsbet, making him look pretty good to be the next Bachelor.

Alex Rance
Also sitting on good odds to be the next Bachelor is former Richmond superstar Alex Rance, who went from an outside sniff at $19 to favourite at $3.00.
“We first put Alex in the market purely on speculation and hence the big price, we weren’t expecting any bets on him let alone seeing him best backed,” said Sportsbet’s communications manager Rich Hummerston.

Dr Chris Brown
Next up is Dr Chris Brown, who has long been lobbied to be the next Bachelor by keen fans, and his odds are sitting at $4.00 by Sportsbet.
During a chat with Fitzy & Wippa last year, Chris addressed rumours that he’d be joining the 2022 season and revealed the unusual conditions that could tempt him to join the cast.
“If you reopened the Bucket List for the finale, I’d probably do it for $20,000 and a drinks card,” he joked, alluding to the iconic Bondi bar that was closed due to Sydney’s lockdown at the time.

Todd King
Also in the running to be the next Bachelor is Todd King, who was Ali Oetjen‘s runner-up on her season of The Bachelorette.
The odds of that happening are currently at $5.00, so we’ll just have to wait and see.

Adam Todd
Like Todd, Adam Todd is no stranger to the Bachelor franchise, as he won fans over during his time on Elly Miles’ season of The Bachelorette.
With his odds at $8.50, there’s a hopeful chance we could see him on screens once more, this time handing out the roses as opposed to receiving them.

Jack Steele & Matt Ford
While it may be fruitless to expect a double Bachelor duo, Jack Steele and Matt Ford are both individually in the run to be the next Bachelor.
Fans will recognise them for their social media presence as The Inspired Unemployed, and they’ve previously revealed that the show’s producers have been hounding them to sign up.
“We’re like nah,” Jack told Nova’s Fitzy & Wippa about turning the offer down.
Nevertheless, both their odds are sitting at $10.00, so there’s a chance they may have come around to the idea.

Taku Chimwaza
He failed to find love on Love Island Australia last year, and fans are hoping to see Taku Chimwaza find it on The Bachelor.
Although, his odds suggest that may be unlikely as he’s currently sitting at $12 on Sportsbet, but anything can happen.

Jett Kenny
Another reality TV star on this list is Jett Kenny, son of former Olympic swimmer Lisa Curry, who lit up screens last year during his time on SAS Australia.
While we imagine being the Bachelor is no easy gig, we hope that it would be less intense than the brutal military course he endured.
The odds of him actually becoming the next Bachelor however are at $13, so it’s unlikely we’ll be seeing him handing out roses this year.

Jack Vidgen
After Osher Günsberg called upon his Instagram followers to apply for the new season, Jack was quick to oblige.
“Here we go,” the presenter wrote. “New spectacular season. New spectacular location. A chance to meet your forever ever (forever ever?) forever.
“Tag that person you know who is in the PERFECT time of their life for this. See you on the Gold Coast!”
Osher ended the post by asking fans to comment and tag their single bestie for their chance to be on The Bachelor.
I’m A Celeb alum Jack quickly followed instructions, penning “Applying now” below the post.
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