A woman has sought advice on parenting forum Mumsnet asking others if they also find it ‘creepy’ that her partner’s nine-year-old still sleeps with his mother.
The woman explained that her partner ex lives overseas with their child, and that she shares a bed with their son when they visit.
‘AIBU to think that (a) it’s creepy that my OH’s son still sleeps with his mother at 9 years old; (b) that my OH puts up with son and mother sleeping at his house, and I have to vacate.
‘The situation is delicate, as he has court orders in the UK giving him 50% custody, but they are not enforceable in the jurisdiction where his son’s mother lives.
‘There are all sorts of issues arising from this, but one I cannot deal with is that the mother feels entitled to sleep in my OH’s house (her son should of course sleep there, but why should she??); and that my OH’s parents pay for her flights.’
Majority of those on the forum insisted a nine-year-old sleeping with his mother is perfectly acceptable.
‘I don’t think it’s creepy that a nine-year-old boy sleeps in the same bed as his mum. I don’t see why it would be. He is a child,’ said Tink2007.
ThroughThickAndThin01 said: ‘Not creepy. He’s only 9.’
RoderickRules added: ‘My DS, 9, gets in my bed. He thinks the dark is creepy!’
Others advised the woman to break up with her partner.
‘I’d rethink this relationship. Too much hassle,’ said SandyY2K.
Situp commented: ‘Clearly you and OH have issues to resolve regarding how your relationship is going to work in relation to his son. That seems to be where there is a problem.’
What do you think?