Choosing a baby name can be one of a parent’s toughest jobs, and there are many factors you should consider before picking the one.
Here are the 6 essential tests every parent should use to choose a baby name.

The internet search test
Thanks to the power of Google, you can now instantly check whether the baby name you’ve picked was previously associated with a notorious criminal, as parenting editor Michelle Woo from Lifehacker suggests every parent do.
Even if you think you’ve come up with a totally unique name, do your homework before you commit to it.
The shout test
A baby name may sound sweet and soothing in your head, but could sound ridiculous when shouted.
Considering the amount of time your child will spend running around in a school playground, trialling how the name sounds when shouted may indicate if you’ve picked a winner.
The translate test
Language is a tricky thing. A name that has a particular meaning in one language may mean something entirely different in another.
Before deciding on your name, type it into Google Translate just to make sure it doesn’t have any untoward meanings.

The pressure test
As much as you might be inspired by your favourite artist, sportsperson or actor, naming a child after a famous figure could be placing them under more pressure than necessary.
Think abut how trying to live up to a name like Beyoncé might impact them later in life.
The ex test
Michelle Woo says giving your baby the same name as you or your partner’s ex is not advisable.
The same goes for the name of a friend you may have had a falling out with, or perhaps an annoying colleague from work.
Best to steer clear from names that leave a bitter taste in the mouth.
The nickname test
Considering what nicknames your future child could possibly be given is a must when deciding on a name.
If there is a possibility the name rhymes with anything sinister of vulgar, or whether the initials may spell out a word that other people could mock them for, it might be worth reconsidering.
Related: These are the rarest baby names of 2017
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