The horrific moment a 7yo autistic boy is dragged on floor by teachers caught on camera

The shocking video has gone viral

This is the shocking moment a teacher and aid dragged a seven-year-old with autism through the hallways of a school.


The devastating scene from May 8 was caught on CCTV and shared on Facebook by the boy’s mother, Bonnie McKean.

In the distressing footage two school employees can be seen dragging her son Corbin through the corridors of his school in Crestline, Ohio.

Since the video was shared on Thursday, it has been viewed over 112,000 times.

‘It was wrong the way my son was treated,’ McKean said in an interview with WJW.

‘The other staff, and you can see them on the video, didn’t even think twice about it,’ she said.


McKean allowed her son to be shown on local news broadcasts to speak out about the experience.


The teacher and the teacher’s aid shown in the surveillance tape have been placed on paid administrative leave, but have not been charged with a crime in the incident.


The incident apparently began when Corbin started misbehaving in the playground.


The video shows the teacher and aide marching Corbin into the school and then dragging him by his arms as he goes limp.


As the child continues to struggle and refuses to walk, the two employees pick him up by his wrists and ankles.


The incident came to light when the school called McKean and told her that her son had bitten a staff member.


Prosecutors reviewed the case and determined that criminal charges were not warranted, and referred the case to the Ohio Board of Education’s Board of Professional Conduct.


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