We are all guilty of being a little over zealous when it comes to our makeup and according to Pam Smyrnios, beauty and makeup educator from The Masters Institute of Creative Education there are three top no-no’s that need to be avoided:
Highlighting problematic skin areas
Let’s face it – tutorials are no ‘one size fits all’; we all have different skin types. A lot of tutorials will tell you to ‘highlight’ the high points of your face BUT if you have a little (or not so little) juicy pimple in one of these areas, ‘highlighting’ them with a shimmering product will only draw more attention to them.
Under eye creasing
Majority of us want a fresh, bright under eye area that stays set in place. With trends like ‘baking’ taking the makeup world by a storm, we want to make sure we don’t over powder which will result in a dry, crepe-y looking under eye or don’t set at all resulting in creamy fine lines.

How to avoid it? Firstly, make sure you prep your under-eye area with an eye cream (not your every day moisturiser) that suits you. Remember, your body is like cardboard, face is like paper and eye area is like tissue paper – putting products there that are intended for the face only will be too rich!
Following your eye cream, apply your concealer as desired. (For dark circles, we love using a colour corrector underneath.) After, press out any creasing/lines. Then, using a clean, fluffy eyeshadow brush, lightly dust a translucent setting powder.

Lift your brows, don’t block fill them with one colour!
When it comes to brows, it’s absolutely personal choice, however when shaping the face, a ‘lifted’ brow is generally most flattering.
When applying your brow product, you want the inner area to be the most sparse and the tail end of the brow to be the deepest. Having a completely filled inner section of the brows will bring the face down rather than lift.