
How to wash your hair properly

It is such a simple task! But are you doing it right?

Our hair is our crowning glory, which is why we put a lot of effort in making sure that we maintain it. We buy expensive haircare products, we go to salons and even take vitamins to increase lustre and stimulate growth. On the balance sheet of beauty, our hair gets its fair share of attention. Our mission today is to make sure you are getting the very basics of home care are right… the simple act of washing your hair properly.


A hygiene fundamental, washing your hair is something you’ve probably been doing on your own since you were 4 or 5. So, it’s pretty strait forward right? Correct. This is not a complicated procedure. But even so, there is a right way to wash your hair.

We asked Stephanie Gelston, Artistic Director at Paul Mitchell Australia to run us through the definitive, step by step guide.

Before we got into the technique of how to wash your hair, Stephanie pointed out that really the first must do” when it comes to cleansing your hair is to select the right products for your hair type. Optimal hair care is a science and having a shampoo, conditioner or treatment prescribed for your individual hair needs by a professional stylist can make or break the outcome of your home washing routine”.

At the bottom of this article you’ll find a list of our favourite brands and products to suite some core hair types. But for now, let’s get down to the business of how to wash hair properly


1. Wet hair

Once you have the ideal products for your hair type in hand, the next step is to get wet!

There are many myths around what water temperature is ideal for maintaining best condition. Generally, cleansing with warm water opens up the hair cuticle allowing shampoo to be better absorbed into the hair shaft and therefore, better remove dirt and oil build up.Don’t worry about over heating your hair. You’ll never be able to tolerate water hot enough to do any damage, so don’t fret” says Stephanie.

(Credit: Getty Images)

2. Lather up

Unless you’ve just hiked Kilimanjaro, the type of debris you’ll be removing from your hair will be general things like dust, pollen and excess oil. Stephanie says, “Every haircare product is designed to create a different level of cleanse. Some cleanse build up from the outer of the hair shaft only, while others are designed to open the hair cuticle and create a deeper cleanse”.


Whatever the shampoo’s objective, the basic chemistry of any ‘poo works like this… Because our sebum, (the oil our skin produces), covers our scalp and hair, just rinsing it with water will neither remove the oil or the particles, (you know what they say about oil and water not mixing). The molecules in shampoo are a surfactant, which means they break down the surface of the water to allow the detergent to get in and bind to the oil and dirt. So when you rinse, all the rubbish simply washes way.

Even though it’s good for business, Stephanie believes most people use too much product when shampooing. “They think that the hair won’t be suitably cleansed unless washed with a handful of product. All you need is a 10c-20c piece amount, starting from the scalp and working through to the ends and lather”. These instructions cover long hair, short hair and medium length hair.

Always read the product instructions to ascertain how many applications are required. For some, one round might be enough. Others will recommend two.

(Credit: Getty Images)

3. Rinse thoroughly

To get all the shampoo out of your hair rinse thoroughly in warm water. Squeeze excess water out with your hands in preparation for your conditioner.

4. Condition mid lengths to ends

An unmissable step towards shiny hair is the correct application of conditioner. Conditioner works by smoothing the scales on each hair strand to make them silky smooth.

Massage a 10c piece portion of conditioner into clean hair, working from mid lengths to ends. What you are doing here is moisturising the hair, so avoid the scalp. Comb through evenly with a wide tooth comb or ‘Wet Brush‘ (available online here) Used in top salons, this brush isespecially designed for wet hair. Who knew?

Stephanie warns, “It is important to only condition the hair once so as not to over moisturise the hair – this is why your shampoo will always run out before your conditioner!”.


Now I asked my handsome stylist Clint what the theory was behind the wonderful massage I receive at this stage of the process while in the salon. Does it help embed the product into the hair? Clint fesses up, “there is actually zero reason to massage from a technical point of view. We do this purely for relaxation”. Nice. Always liked him.

(Credit: Getty Images)

5. Rinse thoroughly with cold water

Now I find this part a little unpleasant, but according to Stephanie, rinsing conditioner out with cold water is the best way to get all the shampoo out of your hair. Cold water closes the hair shaft sealing in moisture and locking in shine”. Gah. For ladies with textured hair, it also helps better define hair’s natural wavy or curl. The things we do


6. Towel dry

Post cleanse, gently wring hair to remove excess water and towel dry or wrap in a turban. You don’t want to razz your hair too vigorously as it will create frizz and tangles.

Towel dry
(Credit: Getty Images)

Another question I had for Stephanie was about how often we should we wash our hair. Over washing strips too much natural sebum from the hair which can stimulate more oil production. All you’ll end up with is a super greasy scalp. Stephanie suggests washing no more than 2 to 3 times per week.

Finally, if you’re looking for a once a week treatment, I’d like to introduce you to my new best friend Olaplex. This game changing product brings heat damaged coloured and dry hair back from the dead. Using a patented bond-building technology it literally structurally repairs the hair. Available at RRP $50


But wait! What if you suddenly find yourself without shampoo, (or at least the time to Shampoo and blow dry)? A good ‘in between days’ solution is dry shampoo. Our hands down favourite is Bumble and Bumble’s Pret-a-Powder. Explaining how to shampoo dry hair with this is so simple we don’t need to consult the experts. Simply sprinkle some on to the palm of your hands and work it into your scalp and through the roots of your hair. Experiment with a little at a time until you are satisfied. Pret-a-Powder smells out of this world delicious and works by not only absorbing your scalp’s oil, but gives you some major body and texture. Available in store and online here
RRP $41.

So now you can see that even when washed properly at home, the age-old excuse used to get out of an unwelcome invitation, Sorry, I have to wash my hair, really just doesnterrrwash. It just aint that hard or time consuming.


Read on for intel on our favourite products to suit your hair type.

All hair types:


Paul Mitchell Invisiblewear Shampoo, RRP
$22.95 available in good salons and online here.


Kevin Murphy Maxi.Wash, RRP $38.95
available in selected salons and online here.

Living Proof Perfect Hair Day Shampoo,
RRP $38 available here.



Paul Mitchell Invisiblewear Conditioner, RRP
$23.95 available in good salons and online here.

Kevin Murphy Young.Again.Rinse, RRP
$42.95 available in selected salons and online here.


Living Proof Perfect Hair Day Conditioner,
RRP $38 available here.

Dry or thirsty hair:


Paul Mitchell Moisture Shampoo, RRP
$21.95 available in good salons and online here.


Kevin Murphy Hydrate-Me.Wash , RRP $38.95
available in selected salons and
online here.

Living Proof Restore Shampoo, RRP $42
available in store and online here.



Paul Mitchell Instant Moisture Daily Conditioner, RRP $24.95
available in good salons and online here.

Kevin Murphy Hydrate-Me.Rinse , RRP $39.95
available in selected salons and
online here.


Living Proof Restore Conditioner, RRP $42
available in store and online here.

Fine hair:


Paul Mitchell Extra Body Shampoo, RRP $20.95


Kevin Murphy Angel.Wash RRP $38.95
available in selected salons and online here.

Living Proof Full Thickening Shampoo, RRP $38
available here.



Paul Mitchell Extra Body Daily Conditioner, RRP $22.95

Kevin Murphy Angel.Rinse RRP $39.95
available in selected salons and online here.


Living Proof Full Thickening Conditioner, RRP $38 available here.

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