
4 surprising ways to boost your sex life

Make these changes to get your libido riding high again
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– Have a glass of red


If you want to bring back the passion tonight, pour yourself and your partner a glass of red! According to a study published in The Journal Of Sexual Medicine, women who drank a glass of red wine daily reported higher levels of sexual desire compared with those who drank any kind of alcohol only occasionally, or didn’t drink at all. This could be due to the high level of antioxidant polyphenols 
in red wine, which may help increase blood to the arousal zones.

– Binge-watch 
a horror series

Sometimes it’s good to get 
a bit of a fright! According to the Society for Psychophysiological Research, moderately scary endeavours such as watching a horror movie or TV show can trigger the body’s sympathetic nervous system (SNS). This turns on the adrenalin, which can set off the body’s sexual desire. So start streaming 
The Walking Dead, or for 
a quick fix, turn to The Shining!

– Ditch the 
scented candles


Trying to set the romantic mood? Maybe a candlelit dinner? Be sure to avoid any artificially scented candles or sprays, though, as they may be interfering with your hormones. A South Carolina State University air-quality test found that petroleum-derived, artificially scented candles emit benzene and toluene, which 
can act as fake sex hormones. These scents can lower testosterone levels and make any passion subside. Go for beeswax candles instead.

– Try Yoga

It’s no surprise that exercise lifts your libido. It makes you feel better (all those endorphins are flowing) and have a healthier body image. But there are two more reasons. Exercise will also help deal with stress, which is always a real sex-drive killer, plus it increases the blood flow to your nether regions and increases lubrication. Yoga as a form of exercise has the added bonus of helping with flexibility, which is always 
a plus in the sack!

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