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Super slimmer transforms body by losing 139kg AND excess skin

Lexi weighed 222kg until she made a vow to change her life
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A 222kg woman who lost a staggering 139kg to transform her body and her life, has shared her joy after surgeons cut off three kilos of excess skin.


Lexi Reed, 27, began losing weight as a New Year’s resolution in January 2016, by cutting out soft drinks, booze and fast food.

That combined with regular workouts saw her transform her body – but she was still suffering with agonising soreness in her jaw, neck and back this year.

Her husband Danny, 30, suggested it could be her loose skin could be to blame.

How to lose weight and excess skin says Indiana woman who lost 139kg
Lexi Reed (pictured at her heaviest) began losing weight as a New Year’s resolution in January 2016, by cutting out soft drinks, booze and fast food (Credit: Caters)

“Danny asked if the skin may be causing the problem because of how heavy it was on my new body,” Lexi, from Indiana, USA, says.

“He stood up behind me and lifted my stomach from the front to see what it would look like without the skin and for the first time my neck didn’t hurt.

“When he massaged my neck I instantly felt better, it was then that we came to the realisation that it was my skin that was causing me pain.”

Lexi started her weight loss journey three years ago, in a bid to help her chances of falling pregnant.

How to lose weight and excess skin says Indiana woman who lost 139kg
While Lexi was thrilled at her weightloss, she was left with loose skin that made her uncomfortable (Credit: Caters)

At their heaviest, the couple consumed up to 8,000 calories in a day and Lexi, the heavier of the two, had a BMI of 78.3 – a shockingly high figure compared the healthy range which is between 18.5 – 25.

Togther, Lexi and Danny lost more than 177kg.

“I saw my skin as a battle wound, I knew my body didn’t deserve to carry around the weight of all the excess skin,” Lexi explains.


Dr. Joseph Michaels who performed $17,000-worth of skin removal surgery over nine hours, says it was a ‘privilege’ to help Lexi and he hopes this will start a ‘new chapter in her life.’

How to lose weight and excess skin says Indiana woman who lost 139kg
Lexi transformed her body and says seeing her flat stomach was emotional (Credit: Caters)

“Seeing my stomach was emotional, I have never had a flat tummy in my entire life,” Lexi says.

“I always had rolls, stretch marks and never had a perfect body, so while this decision wasn’t for vanity reasons it’s amazing to see the hard work over the past three years.”


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