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Australian fitness expert showcases her amazing body transformation

She had a baby just 8 months ago!

Australian fitness expert Emily Skye recently showcased her amazing body transformation eight months after she gave birth to her first child Mia.


In images uploaded to her Instagram account, Emily flaunts her honed abs and trim physique in the same outfit she wore just six weeks post-partum alongside herself eight months post-partum and the difference is quite amazing.

“I wanted to show almost the exact stance/pose that I showed in my 6 week postpartum video. Both videos show me relaxed with belly “out” then flexing.” Emily wrote.

“When I first found out I was pregnant I decided I was going to be transparent throughout my whole pregnancy and post pregnancy journey no matter what happened. I didn’t want to sugar coat or filter anything and just wanted to show it how it is,” she added.

Emily said that during her pregnancy she gained more fat than she thought I would. She also had pretty bad morning sickness and back pain to the point I could barely stand.


“Because of these things I wasn’t able to exercise much in the last trimester. Labour was quite traumatic but I got thought it and all that matters is Mia is healthy,” she added.

“A few days after Mia was born I got pretty severe post baby blues which I did not expect but I’m grateful it only lasted a few weeks. Then there was sleep deprivation, more back pain, breastfeeding pain, mastitis & crazy hormones – Most of you Mum’s out there know what I’m talking about.”

“My body didn’t snap back as quick as I thought it would. I got pretty sick a few times this year, badly sprained my ankle and broke my toe. At 6 weeks postpartum I started doing my FIT APP & did the home workouts. I tried to be as consistent as I could & pushed myself while still listening to my body a d resting when necessary!


 “I’d put Mia to bed or put her in the swing while I did my workout even if it was after midnight. It was hard, but I truly felt better for it. Exercising gives me more energy to take care of Mia and it makes me so much happier and the best mother I can be.

“You can do anything you set your mind to – as long as you put it into action and be consistent,” Emily shared with her followers.

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