While some people lose weight following the latest low carb diet such as the Keto diet, others have an enviable metabolism and seem to be able to eat what they want without gaining weight. For most of us though, weight loss simply comes down to two elements: diet and exercise.
According to leading Australian dietitian and author Sharon Natoli, some foods can be more helpful than others when it comes to managing your appetite and losing weight. Eggs are one of them.
Your metabolism is the amount of energy your body uses to keep itself functioning. The higher your metabolism, the more calories you use in a day, meaning the more food you can consume without gaining weight.
Metabolism can slow down as we age, lose muscle or go for long periods without eating. According to Sharon Natoli, one of the most effective ways to boost your metabolism is to eat protein rich foods, and to undertake regular exercise.
“With a high protein meal, including eggs, you can burn up to twice as much energy compared to a meal that is high in carbohydrate and over the course of a day, you can burn 100 extra calories,” she says. Sounds like a good enough reason to eat them to us.
Dietitian Sharon Natoli’s top tips for a healthy metabolism:
- Eat high protein, lower calorie foods such as eggs, skinless chicken, fish and tofu every day
- Consume the right amount of high protein foods after physical activity to help build muscle mass
- Choose wholegrain bread, rice and other grains as they have more fibre which helps with satiety
- Avoid fad diets and any diet that restricts whole food groups for a long period of time
- Fibre rich foods require more energy for your body to digest, so ensure they’re in your weekly shopping basket
- Limit your intake of highly processed, high sugar foods that are quickly digested
- Foods and drinks that can be helpful at further increasing metabolic rate include chillies, eggs, green tea, grapefruit, ginger, coffee and pepper