Married at First Sight couple Awhina Rutene and Adrian Araouzou have all the hallmarks of a healthy relationship.
But while their physical chemistry is sizzling hot, a lack of honesty, inability to communicate and dramatically different stances on potentially having a family together may end this marriage before it even has a chance to properly begin.
Scroll on for everything you need to know about their relationship on MAFS so far.

Roadblocks during confessions week
Although the couple started confessions week strong by putting each other first in the photo-ranking task, the week sadly ended on a low after Adrian refused to participate in a task given to him by the experts to write his bride a letter from the heart.
Explaining the reason why, Adrian simply said that he didn’t have anything he felt was worth sharing – much to Awhina’s chagrin.
Arguing back and forth about the task and criticising each other’s communication styles, a frustrated Awhina was left heartbroken as her husband stormed out after they were unable to resolve their conflict.
Speaking with Yahoo Lifestyle after the episode aired, Adrian later clarified that he didn’t write a letter as he didn’t feel close enough to his bride after only knowing her for “around 10 days” to open up about his past.
“I’ve told people personal things [in the past] and they’ve burned me with it. So I didn’t know Awhina enough to want to share that message with her just in case one day she would throw it back in my face.”
This followed yet another heated conversation for the pair after doing the ‘Ex-Files’ task. While both found mutual ground in their agreeance that teamwork and communication were key to a healthy relationship (something they had learned from prior dalliances), Awhina was quick to put Adrian offside when confessing she had previously cheated on a partner.

Despite trying to explain that it was a mistake that she made in her early 20s and she worked through with her ex-partner, Adrian told Awhina that there was “no excuse” for her actions.
“I feel like you’re coming at me as a competitor and not a teammate,” Awhina explained which Adrian replied: “I’m not coming at you, I’m trying to get to know you.”
Despite telling his bride and producers that he had “never” cheated on a partner before, it was then revealed that he had “hooked up” with a girl in between seeing someone else seriously, but that they were not “together.”
“I had told Awhina, listen, the worst I have done was I had a girlfriend that I was in love with, we broke up – and knowing what I know now, I was still in love with her – and then a couple of months later, I hooked up with another girl. And then two months later, I got back with my ex-girlfriend,” he later explained to Yahoo Lifestyle.
“I feel like I cheated because I still had love for her and was in love with her…and I went and was seeing someone else even though we were broken up. Essentially to me, that felt like cheating,” he also clarified to 9Entertainment.
These are not the only tasks that have made the couple clash – so did watching their selection videos. In his, Adrian confessed that he wanted kids and that he “would’ve had them yesterday” if he could.
This surprised the mother-of-one, who said it showed that Adrian was ready to be a dad, but he was quick to shut Awhina down, revealing that he doesn’t want to be the father of a child who isn’t biologically his.

A rocky start
Adrian discovered on his wedding day that his bride had a six-year-old son, which surprised him.
However, comments made on their honeymoon indicated that Adrian had no interest in becoming a potential parental figure for his new wife’s child.
Despite having a strong physical attraction to her new husband, Awhina was clear to her husband that he needed to love and cherish both her, and her baby boy.
But Adrian made his uncertainty over whether or not he would be able to love a child that was not his clear in a tense exchange.
“Having a kid is a special moment in your life. I don’t know how I feel about you [Awhina] experiencing that with someone else. I want to experience that special moment as a first with someone else’s first,” he shared candidly.
“And if I’m being 100% honest, if I know me, I don’t know if I can love my kids as much as your kid. I don’t know if I could love them [all equally],” he added.
While both have strong family values, the differences are obvious. For Awhina, she says that loving a partner should mean loving their child.
“My son is a huge part of my life and he’s so important to me, we’re a package deal. So if Adrian isn’t able to love my child as much as the children we create together this could be a big issue. I’m not just dating for myself, I’m dating for my son as well.”

After ending a 15-year-long relationship with her high school sweetheart, it’s been a long time since the now 30-year-old has dipped her toes into the dating pool.
But after a lengthy period alone, the aged care worker signed up for MAFS, putting her heart in the hands of the experts who paired her with Sydney-based e-commerce business owner Adrian Araouzou.
Bonded in their desire to be in a relationship that challenges them and helps them grow, and their mutual status as twins, the experts were certain this pairing would be one of the strongest of the season.
“They’re going to be the ones to watch,” said sexologist Alessandra Rampolla prior to their wedding.
As they met at the altar, the attraction was instant between the couple, Awhina describing her husband-to-be as a “knockout” and Adrian telling cameras that his bride was “just my type.”
But things quickly took a turn for the worse as the groom told the mother-of-one “Don’t worry. I don’t have kids.”
“I’m a bit taken back by his comments. I’m a mum, it’s a big part of who I am. I’m worried it’s a dealbreaker,” the Perth local lamented sadly to producers after the ceremony.
A nervous Awhina then struggled to find the right time to tell her new husband that she had a son, her mother and stepfather accidentally revealed her bombshell news before she had a chance to in their reception speech.
Calling an immediate time-out, Awhina raced outside for a moment alone with Adrian to explain the elephant in the room where the 30-year-old was honest about his uncertainty about entering into a relationship with someone who has a child.
“It’s not ideal. Had we met on the outside world, I wouldn’t have entertained [a relationship],” Adrian revealed.

While entering the reception once more separately, Awhina confided in her friends about her internal struggles, ultimately declaring that no matter what happens her son will always come first.
“I know what I want in a partner and I’m not going to settle this time. I don’t want to stay in a relationship unless it’s someone I’m going to spend the rest of my life with,” she said.
“My son is the most important person to me in my life and I’m not just going to introduce anyone to him.”
After chatting with his new sisters-in-law, Adrian told his new bride that he wanted to see where their marriage could take them because he felt that there was a connection between them worth pursuing.
Sadly however it does seem that the couple is still struggling to overcome such a strong difference in opinion on the matter.
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