
Australian Survivor All Stars: Daisy eliminated as David exacts revenge

Mat and David have formed an unlikely alliance

It had to be the most hyped-up Tribal Council in Australian Survivor’s history and it didn’t fail to deliver.


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Daisy Richardson becoming the third person to leave Australian Survivor All Stars via a stinging betrayal.

After strategy, gameplaying and some solid acting from fellow contestants, Daisy was caught short when Brooke played her immunity idol for David, while Mat played his for Jacqui.

Mat played his immunity idol for Jacqui
Mat played his immunity idol for Jacqui (Credit: Ten)

Despite being part of an alliance with Daisy, David worked against his ‘Sexy Seven’ group and joined together with Matt’s minority group of four to exact revenge.

Just minutes previous Daisy had said she had “Faith in my people big-time… It’s not my people I’m worried about tonight.”

As the votes began stacking up against Daisy, David pulled out his best acting skills to express his ‘shock’.

“That WAS a blindside. (EXHALES) I'm shaking,” Daisy said as she exited.
“That WAS a blindside. (EXHALES) I’m shaking,” Daisy said as she exited. (Credit: Ten)

Moments later, the result was clear and Daisy she was called forward to have her torch extinguished by Jonathan La Paglia, with a look of shattered disappointment on her face.

“That WAS a blindside. (EXHALES) I’m shaking,” she said as she exited.

As the votes began stacking up against Daisy, David pulled out his best acting skills to express his ‘shock’.
As the votes began stacking up against Daisy, David pulled out his best acting skills to express his ‘shock’. (Credit: Ten)

David played a great game and has ticked off several of his gameplay goals. The ‘Golden God’ has reaped revenge on Daisy, got Brooke to play an idol for him, flushed two idols from the competition and developed a secret alliance with Matt ‘The Godfather’ Rogers.  

And he did it all without anyone raising an eyebrow.

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