Meghan Markle’s BFF Priyanka Chopra recently became engaged to Nick Jonas back in July. Now, the freshly engaged couple have given a sly shout out to Chopra’s best friend Meghan Markle by recreating her now iconic engagement photo.
In an image similar to Prince Harry and Meghan’s, Chopra leans against Jonas with her arm resting against his leg as they hold hands.
The image was posted to Ralph Lauren’s Instagram account with the celebrity couple recreating the royal image at Ralph Lauren’s New York Fashion Week show last week.
The similarities in the images no mistake as both images were shot by photographer Alexi Lubomirski.
Chopra attended the wedding between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle and shortly after, she confirmed her relationship with Nick Jonas.
Meghan and Priyanka first met in 2016 after attending an event together.
“And you know when you meet someone and you just ‘click’ … It was just an easy, natural progression.” Meghan said.
“We’ve managed to keep in touch via email and text, and try to see each other whenever we’re both in the same town.”