Is this PROOF that Jess and Dan’s relationship is fake?

All for the camera's!

At the moment, Married At First Sight is jumping from one scandal to the next, and now castmember Ning has come out and said that despite her very public declaration of love, Jessika is NOT in love with Dan. 

Speaking on The Today Show, Ning gave viewers a hint that Jess and Dan’s loved-up display may not be entirely honest, with Ning questioning Jess’s true intentions. 

“I think they knew, Jess is here for herself. She doesn’t care about anyone else,” Ning told the morning show hosts, referring to how the other couples felt about Jess and Dan’s antics. 

When Ning was asked if she felt Dan and Jess loved each other, her response was clear: “No. Why would you do that in front of everyone? I felt like she got a slap in the face with Dan’s response.”

“I was feeling for Dan. Run Dan, run!”

Ning is not mincing her words when it comes to Jess and Dan’s ‘love’ for each other! 

WATCH the explosive promo for the MAFS season finale below! 

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