
MAFS’ Josh says mother received DEATH THREATS as he prepares to get ‘sued’

'Can’t wait for 'em to take my 2001 Subaru Impreza.'
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Less than 24 hours after Josh Pihlak threw wife Cathy Evans ‘under the bus’ during a shock ambush with his mother and friends at hometown visits, the Newcastle tradie says his loved ones are receiving death threats.


He blames Married At First Sight‘s editors for his ‘gaslighting’ portrayal – and now, he’s expecting its lawyers to come knocking.

MUST WATCH: MAFS’ Josh exposes Network’s editing after family gets death threats

‘I’m getting sued for sure,’ he began his comment on a MAFS Funny Instagram post.

‘Jesus, can’t wait for ’em to take my 2001 Subaru Impreza with three bald tyres and the finances I haven’t paid off,’ he said, implying that his possessions would need to be possessed to cover costs.


But he says he’s being vocal for a reason. ‘When my family gets death threats I’m sorry but I’m not keeping quiet.’

MAFS co-star, Stacey Hampton showed her support, commenting, ‘Good on him!!! No one deserves that shit!!’

But fans are skeptical.

‘How many seasons have participants being saying how much it’s edited etc – and yet here we are,’ wrote one, while another suggested it was Josh who put his mother at risk, ‘We all know edits are bad, but people continue to let their family be involved. Surely, knowing how the show can be, you would say to your family, no, I don’t want you involved in this. Being involved with MAFS is a choice.’ 

(Credit: mafsfunny)

After Monday night’s episode went to air, in a brutal Facebook post, the 28-year-old truck driver said he was ‘f–ked in the backside’ by MAFS.

Viewers watched the episode unfold as Josh took his wife Cathy Evans home.

As they met with his family for lunch, Newcastle-born Josh was portrayed as a mummy’s boy who would rather air all his dirty laundry in public than speak to his ‘wife’ Cathy.


His Mandy was shown to be overprotective and only on her son’s side, not appearing to give a care for the welfare of Cathy. 

‘What a terrible edit, f–k it I’m calling [my] mum,’ Josh began. 

‘F–k me dead on a Devon sandwich. [Producers] left out the [entire] lunch and I had the old hugs and kisses back [from Cathy afterwards]. MAFS [has] f–ked me in the backside. Should’ve went on Survivor. I’ll never do a TV show again.’

Mandy commented that Cathy was an ‘actress from hell’ while another friend accused her of audition for Home & Away by appearing on the show.


MUST WATCH: MAFS’ Cathy threatened by Josh’s Mum

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