MAFS: Elizabeth Sobinoff’s new boyfriend revealed!

Move over, Sam...
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She’s got a new look, and a new man – well, kinda!

WATCH! Elizabeth dishes on ALL the drama to come out in the MAFS finale! 

Elizabeth Sobinoff has revealed she’s got herself a man after her turbulent marriage to cheater Sam Ball on Married At First Sight.

“There is someone I’m testing the waters with but you never know,” the 28-year-old told the Daily Telegraph.

“He’s an ex,” she explained, adding, “There’s always (been) a soft spot there.”

She said she split with the mystery man a while back because they were on “different” wavelengths.

Did her turn on MAFS lure him back?

“He’s like a bad smell,” Elizabeth joked. “You know those bad smells that are so bad they’re good? That’s my ex.”

On tonight’s season finale of MAFS, the blonde-turned-brunette will watch Sam’s affair with Ines Basic play out when unseen footage is played to the group.

Plus, she’ll endure that time Sam body-shamed her on their wedding day.

We. Can’t. Wait.

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