
Lizzie admits to never being in love

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Married at First Sight’s Elizabeth Sobinoff, aka Lizzie, has made a heartbreaking admission on Tuesday night’s show. The 28-year-old retail assistant, who was humiliated by her first “husband” Sam Ball last season, admitted to never being in love.


WATCH: MAFS’ Sebastian gets grilled by Lizzie’s protective mum

Her revelation came after her second “husband” Seb tells her: “I can see myself falling in love with you.”

“That is nice to hear,” she replies two days after they first met.

Finally opening up, she adds: “I have never been in love. I have a real hard time believing someone could care for me that much.”


Seb replied: “It’s scary at first, but I am someone you can eventually trust. I love so much about you already.”

Speaking to the camera, Lizzie adds: “It feels different with Seb than it did with Sam. This is the honeymoon I deserved last year but with a better person.”

Lizzie revealed she's never been in love
Lizzie revealed she’s never been in love (Credit: Nine)

The night before, Lizzie’s mother Gillian was quick to quiz Seb on his intentions and morality, giving him an intense grilling at the wedding reception. 


Gillian, who had her husband by her side during the inquisition, gave former AFL player-turned-personal trainer Seb a list of what he couldn’t do.

“You can’t cheat, you can’t lie, you can’t keep your feelings inside,” she told him. 

“Don’t get angry. Be sweet. No cheating – that’s a big one.”

Seb, who listened attentively and politely, agreed with her.
Seb, who listened attentively and politely, agreed with her. (Credit: Nine)

Seb, who listened attentively and politely, agreed with her.

“You don’t need to worry about that, that’s not in my nature,” he told Lizzie’s parents.

Then, in a piece to camera, he qualified, “What they saw their daughter go through last year would have been extremely difficult so I understood their reservations.”

“You’re not two-faced?” asked Gillian. 


“No, I’m exactly how I am,” replied Seb. 

Lizzie's mum Gillian grilled Seb hard on his morality and ethics.
Lizzie’s mum Gillian grilled Seb hard on his morality and ethics. (Credit: Nine)

Then came a high-seed Q&A.

“Will you back her up?” asked Gillian. 


“Yeah, of course,” said Seb. 

“Are you loyal?” she fired again. 

“Yeah, I’m loyal, I am loyal,” he said, mustering his most genuine smile. 

“That’s the biggest thing,” Gillian replied, keeping her poker face on. 


“I’ve never cheated on anyone I’ve been getting to know or been close to. Never, ever,” Seb elaborated.

“Ever in my life, ever.

“If I’ve wanted to separate or if it not to continue, I’ve told that person. I haven’t had my cake and ate it too, ever. It’s not in my nature so you don’t need to worry about it.”

“Yeah, I’m loyal, I am loyal,” he said, mustering his most genuine smile. (Credit: Nine)

“Good to hear,” chimed in Lizzie’s dad, who had been completely silent until this point. 

“You’ll just have to see,” said Seb, trying to lighten the mood.

“Yeah, we’ll just have to see,” said Gillian. 

Then, continuing to the camera she said, “He seems quite genuine, but I mean I thought the other fella was genuine too. The proof is in the pudding.”


Seb, who seems like a gentleman so far, then told the camera, “I know who I am. I hope I’ve made them feel at ease.”

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