Why Charlotte could make better monarch than George

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We all know that Prince George is destined to one day inherit the throne, but could his little sister Charlotte actually make a better monarch?

Watch: Princess Charlotte’s first day of school

On New Idea’s podcast Royals, commentator Angela Mollard speculates that this could be the case given that The Queen’s second born Princess Anne appears better suited for the role of monarch.

“Was [Anne] of all the Queen’s children best suited to potentially be the monarch?” she asks.

“She has the Queen’s steely grit and determination she’s not flowery and flourishy she’s not deeply emotional, she stands for what the British monarchy has always stood for, which is a stiff upper lip.”

Princess Anne
Princess Anne has the Queen’s steely grit. (Credit: Getty Images)

But, now Angela suggests that this could be similar to the youngest generation of royal children.

“I wonder if a repeat will happen with the next royal family,” she says.

“Because it already appears to me that Charlotte might have the  gumption to be a monarch perhaps more so  than George.

“I mean I know we’re talking about young children so you can’t really speculate… But when your first born you have the weight of the world on your shoulders everyone is focussed on you.

George and charlotte
Would Charlotte make a better monarch than George? (Credit: Getty Images)

“And, The Crown has showed that Anne could be whatever she wanted and the grit and gumption that comes from that.”

What do you think, could second born children make better monarchs?

To hear more listen to this week’s podcast here…

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