
New details of Queen Elizabeth and Princess Diana’s turbulent relationship revealed

"The Queen was not always available to take her phone calls..."
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The 1992 Princess Diana autobiography, Diana: Her True Story catapulted Andrew Morton (the book’s author) to fame; so much so, that he’s a prominent character in the latest season of The Crown.


And now, Morton has written another tell-all book. But this time it’s about the late Queen Elizabeth II.

WATCH: Princess Diana and the Queen’s relationship

Titled The Queen: Her Life, Morton’s book mostly recounts Queen Elizabeth’s impressive 70 year reign but it also reveals new details about the complicated relationship she had with Princess Diana.

According to Morton, in the early 1990s (after Charles and Diana had separated but before they officially divorced) the Queen was “quietly hopeful” that her son and daughter-in-law would reconcile.


Morton wrote, “At this delicate period, the olive branch was ever present.”

princess diana queen elizabeth
According to Andrew Morton’s new book, Queen Elizabeth was “hopeful” that Diana and Charles would reconcile. But Diana didn’t think that the Queen did enough to stop Charles’ affair with Camilla. (Credit: Getty)

However, Morton has revealed that Diana was “frustrated” that Queen Elizabeth had not intervened and put a stop to Charles’ relationship with Camilla Parker Bowles.

“The Queen and the Queen Mother had shown their disapproval of this long-running affair by refusing to invite Mrs. Parker Bowles to any court functions. It was, as far as Diana was concerned, not enough,” Morton’s book reads.


And so, Diana spoke rather candidly during the now-famous Panorama interview; you know, the interview where the Princess admitted that she didn’t think Charles was fit to be King and addressed Charles’ affair with Camilla by saying, “Well, there were three of us in this marriage, so it was a bit crowded.”

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These comments made by Diana during the Panorama interview, according to Morton, left the Queen heartbroken. They also made her realise that Charles and Diana needed to divorce.

“When the Queen finally watched a recording of the show, she was despairing, her husband apoplectic. Something had to be done, for the sake of not just the monarchy but also their grandchildren. The Queen, having held out the olive branch for so long, was now determined to cut the marital Gordian knot.”


Morton’s book details that the Queen wrote to Diana shortly after seeing the Panorama interview and the letter, in part, said, “I have consulted with the Archbishop of Canterbury and with the prime minister and, of course, with Charles, and we have decided that the best course for you is divorce.”

princess diana panorama interview
The comments Diana made during the now-famous Panaroma interview allegedly left The Queen heartbroken. (Credit: Getty)

However, despite all the divorce-drama, Queen Elizabeth still invited Diana to spend Christmas with the family. An invitation that Diana declined.

Morton claims that this was the final straw for the Queen.


“The princess’s decision to decline the sovereign’s invitation, normally viewed as a command, marked the nadir of her relationship with the Queen. It was an affront too many,” Morton’s book details.

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“From now on, the Queen was not always available to take her phone calls or ready to invite her to afternoon tea. Their dealings were necessarily more business-like than before as the Queen was one of the interested parties in divorce negotiations.”

The Queen: Her Life is now available.


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