
Prince William scolded over his cheeky flirt-fest with another woman

If only this were us.
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Always on his best behaviour and keeping within the formalities of royal life, it’s rare we see a cheekier side to Prince William.


Sure, we see a softer more casual side to him on occasion – usually when with his wife, Duchess Catherine and three kids – but we’re talking about those candid, unguarded moments like on a recent to trip to a care home in Scotland.

WATCH: Prince William’s flirt-fest while touring Scotland. 

The Duke of Cambridge is currently on a tour of Scotland as part of his role as Lord High Commissioner to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland.

In his travels William visited the Queens Bay Lodge in Edinburgh, where he was caught “flirting” with one of the locals.

Prince William
The Prince put on the charm with resident Betty. (Credit: Getty)

The encounter, which was captured on film and shared on the official Instagram page of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, is downright adorable.

While chatting to care home resident Betty, the Prince is told off by a woman behind the camera.

“Could you stop flirting with my residents,” she chastised, to which William responded while laughing: “Sorry”.


“I’m trying not to, I’m not sure who’s flirting more.”

Prince William
William went into a bright red blush. (Credit: Getty)

The charming encounter has us almost as giddy as the Prince’s recent photo flex, which sent the internet into a collective meltdown.

It is expected Duchess Catherine will join the Prince on his trip in the coming days and attend a number of engagements in Edinburgh and Fife.


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