
Peach Melba Frozen Parfait

Indulge in a divine fruity dessert that's perfect for summer.
Andre Martin. Styling: Janelle Bloom

We used a Baker’s Secret large, deep loaf pan. Use a large, hot knife to cut parfait into slices. Thaw berries in the fridge overnight.




Grease and line a large, deep loaf pan (15cm x 23cm x 9cm) with baking paper, extending paper 5cm above edges.

2 Soften ice-cream in a large bowl at room temperature. Stir in peaches. Pour into pan. Smooth over top. Freeze.

3 For raspberry cream, blend raspberries and sugar in blender until texture is smooth. Strain through sieve into a large jug. Discard seeds.

4 Beat cream in a large bowl of an electric mixer until firm peaks form. Fold in vanilla, condensed milk, and one third of a cup of raspberry puree until combined.

5 Pour raspberry cream over the peach ice-cream. Cover. Freeze overnight or until firm. Refrigerate remaining puree, covered, until serving.

6 Invert parfait onto a serving plate. Remove pan and lining paper. Top with peaches. Spoon over remaining puree.

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