When it comes to predicting the gender of an unborn baby, many old wives tales emerge. According to tales, if you carry your baby bump low that means you’re having a baby boy, or if you happen to be craving sweets, you’re apparently expecting a baby girl.
But, one theory claims to be able to predict the sex of your little one at JUST 11 weeks!
The nub theory claims to be a lot more accurate than some of those old wives tales – and says you can even tell the sex of your baby just by looking at your 12 week ultrasound picture.
Usually the earliest point you can tell the sex of a baby from a scan is 20 weeks so the quirky theory is popular with those who can’t wait to find out if they’re having a little girl or a little boy.

At 11-13 weeks, all babies are believed to have a ‘nub’ between their legs called the genital tubercle, and according to the Nub Theory, the angle indicates the baby’s sex.
It’s said that if the nub is over 30 degrees up from the spine, it’s a boy – but if it’s under that then it’s a girl.
The below pictures provide examples of the theory:

In the above picture, the nub theory isn’t pointing up more than 30 degrees from the spine, so believers in this theory would say the scan showed a little girl.

In the above picture, the nub appears to be at a much steeper angle from the spine, indicating that this could be a baby boy.
Netmums have reported the following statistics inline with the nub theory:
- At 11 weeks, the accuracy rate is 48 per cent
- At 12 weeks, the accuracy rate is 91 per cent
- At 13 weeks, the accuracy rate is 94 per cent
Have you had success with the Nub Theory? Head to our Facebook page to let us know!