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Mum slammed for being ‘selfish’ over toddler-free holiday

She has faced major backlash online.

A mum has come under fire on popular mummy forum Mumsnet for expressing her toddler-free holiday plans.


The unnamed mother posted on the forum: ‘Me and my oh have been discussing going on holiday with the children in late August. I was telling my mother about it and she offered to look after my 2-year-old for the week.’ 

She added: ‘we would be able to go to theme/water parks and take the older 2 on rides etc without one of us having to stay with the baby.’

‘Anyway we’re having holy hell over it all with my brother’s girlfriend what awful and selfish parents we are and how my mother is playing favourites!’ explained the Mumsnet user.

She concluded the post asking mothers ‘Aibu in accepting my mother’s offer? Or does it really make me a selfish and awful mother?’ 

mum toddler holiday
(Credit: Getty Images)

Since posting the message, the mum has been met with mixed opinions from other mum’s. Some have been approving while others have labelled her ‘selfish’.

One user said: ‘I wouldn’t do it, not because of the reasons you have given which is basically your brother’s girlfriend is jealous, but because I went to Last Vegas with DH on our honeymoon and left 18 month DS with his Grandparents. He had a lovely time with them and didn’t miss us one bit but I really couldn’t enjoy the holiday.’ 

A positive comment told others to keep their negative thoughts to themselves, writing: ‘Brothers girlfriend should take several seats at the back, pipe down and mind her own business and you should all enjoy your holiday.’ 


Another user although went as far to say: ‘I dont think it’s nice at all, sorry. You’re a family. You made a choice to have a baby who is now 2. I’d hate to have a family holiday leaving out a member of the family. Sorry. I do think it’s quite selfish and sends the wrong message to your older children and the younger one too when she is old enough to see the photos etc.’

What do you think of the mother’s question? Tell us your thoughts on Facebook.

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