
BeReal: The latest social media app that everyone is using

Everything you need to know about the newest social media platform
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From Snapchat to Instagram, Facebook and TikTok, it’s clear social media is here to stay. But that doesn’t mean younger generations will stick to the same apps, with many trying to jump onto the next big thing. 


And at the moment, that’s BeReal. 

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Don’t know what BeReal is? Here’s everything you need to know about the newest social media platform that is trying to fight against the over-curated world of influencers

What is BeReal?

BeReal is a French social media platform that was released in 2020. 


The app, which has rapidly grown in popularity in 2022, is “A new and unique way to discover who your friends really are in their daily life.”

BeReal challenges the ‘fakeness’ of other social platforms, focusing on authenticity and realness and moving away from the polished and curated posts of Instagram and TikTok.

The photo sharing app has skyrocketed this year, with its active monthly users rising by more than 315%

BeReal Notification
One notification is sent everyday at a random time. (Credit: BeReal)

How does BeReal work? 

The premise of BeReal is simple. Every day at a different time, every user is notified simultaneously to capture and share a photo within the 2-minute window. 

With no filters or edit buttons, the app literally wants users to be real and unfiltered, to share with friends what they are doing in the moment no matter how boring or mundane. 

When notified, users have two minutes to take a photo, which will be taken on both the front and rear camera of your phone. 

Users can only post once a day, with the photo revealing how late the picture was posted if published outside of the two-minute window. 


Once you have shared your photo, you are then able to see your friend’s images and are encouraged to comment and reply with your own RealMojis. 

RealMojis are exactly what it sounds like. Instead of emojis, users are encouraged to send pictures of themselves to mimic a range of emoticons such as a thumbs up, laughing or surprised face. 

Whilst you can re-take your image before posting, the app discourages it and friends can see how many times you have retaken the photo. 

Another way the app differentiates itself from other popular social media platforms is that no follower counter is displayed, no videos can be posted and there are no ads. 

How to use BeReal
Users have two minutes to take a picture on both their front and back cameras. (Credit: BeReal)

Is BeReal safe? 

Many people have already argued that BeReal is safer than other social media platforms from a mental health perspective. 

With no number counts or ability to share, users on the app can’t compare to other accounts.

In a statement to CNN, BeReal explained that they were aiming to create “an alternative to addictive social networks” by giving users the chance to show friends who they really are in an authentic way.


“BeReal won’t make you famous; if you want to become an influencer, you can stay on TikTok and Instagram.”

The app does give users the option to explore photos of the day outside of their friends. 

Once a user has posted their photo, they have the opportunity to ‘explore’ what other people are doing in that exact moment as well, all around the world. 

Users have the opportunity to turn on or off their location services and choose if they want their photo to upload onto the explore page for anyone on the app to view or decide if they want their pictures to only be seen by friends.   


As the app was designed in France, The BeReal app privacy policy states that they are processing personal data in accordance with French law. 

EU-based technology follows some of the world’s strictest personal data rules, therefore the app is quite transparent about what information it collects, how it is used and how long they retain that information. 

React to photos on BeReal
Friends react to posts with realmojis. (Credit: BeReal)

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