Big Brother housemates Angela Clancy and Garth Saville couldn’t have seemed closer in the house.
But while chatting to New Idea, the freshly evicted 50-year-old reveals that couldn’t be further from the truth.
WATCH: Big Brother’s Garth drops a bombshell as he leaves
In tonight’s juicy episode, we saw Angela released from the bunker in a grand re-entrance to the house, after which she and Garth swore to keep his involvement in the scheme a secret.
When Garth found himself up for nomination against Daniel Gorringe, it seemed as though it would be a close vote.
But at the last-minute, Xavier Molyneux revealed that Garth had been involved in Angela’s first eviction from the house.
Garth was evicted in an epic blindside with a 12 to 1 vote – Angela and the rest of his alliance had turned on him.
“It was a shock for the people I loved most to blindside me,” Garth said.
“But it’s a game, it was going to happen sooner or later.”
As Garth said goodbye to his fellow housemates, he managed to land one final blow on Angela, revealing he too had been into the bunker.
“I had nothing to lose. So, I just thought to give them a little bit of drama, let’s throw a little grenade into the group and see what happens.”
In fact, he remains friend with almost everyone from the show.
“Since before the show started airing, we were all really close. Everyone was talking every day, but now that the show’s on, I think it’s almost like the camps have started back up again.”
There’s one surprising housemate that Garth says he will not be keeping a friendship with post-show – Angela.
“I just think she’s fake. I don’t connect with her as strongly as I do with others.”
“I think she is a little bit of a spoiled rich girl. She says she came to this country with just a suitcase, but I’m sure that suitcase was filled with a whole lot of silver spoons and self-entitlement.”
The doting dad, who adopted his seven-year-old son with partner Gavin, may not have won the show, but says he’s a winner in his family’s eyes, as they have been watching the show together.
“He gets right into it,” Garth says of his son.
“The first challenge where I won the flag, I hadn’t told him the outcome, but he was getting so excited he said ‘I think you’re going to win!’
“As I pulled the flag out of the ice on TV, I pulled the flag out from under the sofa.
“He burst into tears and said, ‘I’m so proud of you’.”