Many people think OJ Simpson brutally murdered his ex-wife Nicole and her friend Ron Goldman, and hate the fact that he got away with it. But there’s been another unpleasant scandal that has attached to the tarnished former football great recently – claims of a sexual affair with Kris Jenner while she was married to his then close friend Robert Kardashian, and allegations he is secretly Khloe Kardashian’s biological father.
Now he is telling all on these latter two points – WATCH THE VIDEO OF HIS RESPONSE BELOW.
Following reports that Simpson had hospitalised Jenner as a result of a vigorous adulterous sex session while she was married to her late husband Robert, Simpson says this was not the case.
‘Never — and I want to stress never — in any way shape or form had I ever had any interest in Kris, romantically, sexually, and I never got any indication that she had any interest in me,’ he claimed. ‘So all of these stories are just bogus. Bad, you know, tasteless.’

That’s mighty snooty for someone who wrote a book called “If I Did It…” about what his motivations and tactics would have been ‘if’ he had killed Nicole.
On the matter of Khloe’s parentage, Simpson was similarly dismissive.
‘Khloé, like all the [Kardashian] girls, I’m very proud of, just like I know [her father Robert Kardashian] would be if he was here. But the simple facts of the matter is she’s not mine.’
Simpson’s former manager Norman Pardo ignited a firestorm by recently claiming Simpson told him about the alleged affair, and boasted he ‘f***ed that B until I broke her’, reports the New York Post.
So there you have it. Would OJ Simpson lie?