
Married at First Sight’s Natasha and Mikey have had sex!

Although stamina is not his forte

You’ve got to hand it to them, Mikey and Natasha have really given this whole Intimacy Week thing on Married at First Sight a red hot go.


Massages, touching, consummating. But before we hand out an A-grade, let’s talk about the couple’s debrief after the event.

WATCH: Mikey and Natasha have sex

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“Yeah, we erm… We went all the way last night” Mikey told the camera.
“Yeah, we erm… We went all the way last night” Mikey told the camera. (Credit: Nine)

“Yeah, we erm… We went all the way last night” Mikey told the camera. 

Cut to the couple in bed together and, as the camera captured them in bed together from every angle possible, they discussed having consummated their relationship.

“It’s made it really real I suppose,” Mikey said to Natasha.

“I’m glad we’ve consummated our marriage,” Natasha said.
“I’m glad we’ve consummated our marriage,” Natasha said. (Credit: Nine)

Back to camera, “It’s Intimacy Week, we’re married and I’m really trying to give it a go. I’m really trying to push as far as I can and get out of my comfort zone and I promised the experts and Natasha that, and I have.”

“I’m glad we’ve consummated our marriage,” Natasha said as they debriefed again, this time in the kitchen.

“It was good. I wouldn’t say it was the longest session that I’ve ever had,” Mikey told the camera.

Back in the kitchen, Natasha is quick to reassure Mikey as he postures with a cup in hand. “I don’t regret it at all,” she said.
Back in the kitchen, Natasha is quick to reassure Mikey as he postures with a cup in hand. “I don’t regret it at all,” she said. (Credit: Nine)

Back in the kitchen, Natasha is quick to reassure Mikey as he postures with a cup in hand. “I don’t regret it at all,” she said.

“You don’t regret the 10 seconds?” asked Mikey, causing them both to laugh.

Then, in a piece to camera Natasha, with a range of awkward facial expressions hitherto never seen by humanity, gave the details.

Then, in a piece to camera Natasha, with a range of awkward facial expressions hitherto never seen by humanity, gave the details.
Then, in a piece to camera Natasha, with a range of awkward facial expressions hitherto never seen by humanity, gave the details. (Credit: Nine)

“Obviously there was a bit of a build up,” she said, as it cut back to them in the kitchen. “Best 10 seconds of my life!” we saw her tell Mikey.

Back to her solo, “So.. the crescendo came pretty quick.” 

Back in the kitchen.

“Can’t wait to make it 20!” says Natasha, laughing.


“That’s pushing it,” retorts Mikey, joking. “That is pushing it.”

“It’s a start, it’s a beginning,” he tells the camera. “At least there’s something there that we can build on from now.”

Then Mikey asks Natasha for a deeper connection. “I think the thing for us now,” he said as he finally put his cup down. “Is to make it more than friends with benefits.”

Can’t wait to see how this goes down at the dinner party, or whether the editing team pick up an award for this sequence either.


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