Did you grow up watching Home And Away?
I certainly did – I couldn’t get enough!
Who were your favourite characters?
Alf (Ray Meagher) and Marilyn (Emily Symons) were my favourites for sure! It’s surreal to work alongside them now.
Who have you become close to on the show?
Honestly, everyone on the show is like one big family. But of course those you spend more time with on screen, you naturally have the opportunity to become closer with. Jackson Heywood, Pia Miller, George Mason – my kindred kiwi, Kestie Morassi and my Sydney roommate Caleb Alloway, who plays Will Zannis, have become particularly dear to my heart.
And a highlight for you?
I’ve got to say one of my highlights was when Scarlett impersonated Crocodile Dundee while presenting Alf Stewart with a new fishing knife, and said: ‘That’s not a knife, that’s a knife.’ Given that I not only grew up watching both of these legends, I then got to quote one while I was in a scene with another. Talk about surreal!
What was it like filming the explosion scenes?
It was definitely intense, but so much fun. The art department did an incredible job with the post-explosion carnage and fire. In this epic backdrop, we shot fast and furiously under the slick guidance of our director Danny Raco – getting beautiful-looking shots and performances that were more action film than drama.
Read the full story in this week’s issue of New Idea, on sale now.