Chatting to Home and Away’s newest star Emily Weir during a break in a busy day on set, it quickly becomes clear to New Idea that the gorgeous actress is about to make her mark on our screens in the best possible way.
WATCH Home & Away teaser trailer below: ‘A nice surprise!’
Bursting with excitement, Emily couldn’t be more thrilled to have landed the career break of a lifetime – the pivotal role of mysterious Summer Bay newcomer Mackenzie. And Emily, who has been making a name for herself in the world of stage and film, has every intention of making the most of her first major TV gig.
Born and raised in Brisbane, Emily studied her craft at Queensland’s University of Technology before moving to Sydney three and a half years ago.

And through it all, Emily’s family have been avid fans of Home and Away. Safe to say, they were over the moon when she landed a major part in the drama the clan has fondly dubbed ‘Homey’.
“They couldn’t believe it,” says Emily with a laugh. “Hopefully, I’ll be able to get them into the studio soon and they can meet some of the cast.”
As for Emily herself, she’s happy to report she was welcomed with open arms.

“I know people say it all the time, but there is something about the entire Home and Away organisation,” she says. “It really is such a fantastic place to work and there’s a real sense of family.”
At present happily single, Emily smiles as she says: “It’s just me, and that’s actually been sort of perfect at this stage of my life. With everything going on, it’s been really nice to rely on myself and get to know myself even more with all the wonderful things that are coming.”
In the meantime, Emily appears in the Bay for the first time as Mackenzie, the new owner of Salt.

“Mackenzie is a very fierce and independent, smart woman,” says Emily. “We don’t really know what her motivation is for coming to the Bay – there is quite an element of mystery there.”
Indeed, it quickly becomes clear that running the popular restaurant is far from Mackenzie’s sole reason for setting up home in the coastal town. Stay tuned!
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