Gogglebox’s Yvie Jones: My love hell

'I'm just not made for it.'
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In a revealing interview, Gogglebox‘s Yvie Jones opened up about her dating horror stories, admitting that she refuses to use dating apps.

WATCH: Yvie Jones and Angie Kent rip into Carlin’s name

The 46-year-old told Confidential that she tends to attract the wrong men, which at one point swayed her from dating altogether.

“I do have a lot of horror stories, just a lot of misogynist kind of men come my way for some reason,” she told the publication.

Yvie Jones refuses to use dating apps.
Yvie Jones admits she’s always attracted the wrong men. (Credit: Getty)

“I have a lot of men who tell me to be quiet, that’s the kind of men I used to meet. Men who would meet me and want me to be quiet which is really ironic,” she continued.

What’s more, the radio host believes the modern dating world isn’t for her.

Angie Kent and Yvie Jones
Yvie Jones rose to fame on Gogglebox alongside current Bachelorette Angie Kent. (Credit: Channel 10)

“No I don’t do dating apps. I’m just not made for dating apps, there’s too much navigation to it and I like to see someone and look straight into their eyes and immediately know whether there’s a connection or not,” Yvie said.

“It’s all such a build up that it’s nothing for me but a let down,” she added.

Yvie Jones refuses to use dating apps.
Yvie Jones refuses to use dating apps. (Credit: Instagram)

Sadly, the reality tv star admitted to being fat-shamed and criticised about her weight by men.

However, according to Confidential, the loveable blonde remains optimistic about meeting Mr Right.

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