Georgia Love’s tears: I got the worst phone call of my life

She opened up on The Project
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Days after she revealed the love of her life, Georgia Love received the worst phone call of her life.


Appearing on The Project with Lee Elliot, Love explained that her mother passed away 24 hours after The Bachelorette finale.


‘In the space of 24 hours we went from one of the happiest moments, where we could finally actually be in the same room together and tell everybody how we feel and be able to relax. And literally 24 hours later I got the worst phone call of my life,’ she said.


‘I mean, talk about highs and lows.’


Filming the show while her mother was so sick was incredibly difficult, but she doesn’t have any regrets.


‘It’s been incredibly difficult, but it would have been made so much more difficult if Lee hadn’t have been there. So there are silver linings,’ she said.


‘You know, you can look back at any point of your life and go, well, I was away for two months travelling there or a year working there, but if I had not have gone on The Bachelorette I wouldn’t have had Lee but I would have still been in Tassie, I would have been further away from my mum.


‘So you know, I don’t regret anything that happened … And my mum absolutely supported me 100 per cent in doing this, and in everything I did.’

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